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Showing posts from September, 2017

A Meditation

A Meditation  by Vern Schanilec, 9/30/2017 Where is the Kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven? What is eternal life and how does one gain it? The three terms above can be used interchangeably regardless of capitalization. The challenge is to identify and define the three clauses, and see about engaging. Jesus was asked the question of the presence of the kingdom and how one attains eternal life many times and responded differently almost every time; his answer adapted to the hearer and what Jesus thought his or her needs were. To the Corinthians Paul said "..We are workers with you for your joy, because you stand firm in the faith." 2 Corinthians 1:24 To Nicodemus Jesus said be "born again." John 3:7 To the thief on the cross, due to your faith "you will be in paradise today." Luke 23:43 Those who forgive will be forgiven, those who don't; sorry. John 20:23 Zaccheaus sold off half his holdings and repaid 4-fold those he cheated....